Bertsy: what to look for when choosing a model Bertsy
05.05.2023 12811

Bertsy: what to look for when choosing a model

Bertsy and tactical boots are becoming more and more relevant footwear, and not only because of the start of the hunting season. In Russia, there are several dozen enterprises producing this type of footwear. Oleg Tereshin, Deputy Chief Technologist of ZENDEN, told Shoes Report about the differences and features of ankle boots and what you should pay attention to when buying them in specialized retail and online.

How to choose berets, and how they differ from tactical boots

Ankle boots differ from tactical boots in design. Initially, berets were created during the Second World War as shoes for paratroopers, for paratroopers in order to fix the ankle. Previously, skydivers jumped in boots in which the foot was not fixed, and injury often occurred. Therefore, two-phase lacing was made in the berets, as well as cutouts on the design, which contributed to reliable fixation of the ankle. The two-phase lacing of the ankle boots allows you to fix the shoes in different ways: somewhere tighter, somewhere looser. As a result, these shoes protect the feet not only from external influences, but also from sprains and dislocations.

Tactical boots often have a “boot” inside that has a waterproof function, all seams in the product are sealed with thermal tape, and the upper has a water-repellent coating. Berets don't have that.

There are differences in color: as a rule, tactical boots are in military colors, and berets are black.

The purpose is different: tactical shoes are designed for active pastime - fishing trips, for long hikes in the mountains and uneven terrain, military games. Classic berets - shoes for the military.

Tactical boots are lighter, and berets are more reliable and durable.

The sole of berets and tactical boots is similar: there should be a deep tread for better grip on the surface: soil, stones, etc.

tactical boots tactical boots

What material is used to produce high-quality berets

In our climatic conditions, it is better to choose boots made of genuine leather with lining, depending on seasonality. For the summer period, lightweight versions made of cordura or thick cotton fabric are used.

When choosing berets, the lining plays an important role. If the lining is insulated (for example, wool, the so-called “fur”), then it is winter, if the pile fabric (let air through and provides a certain level of warmth) is demi-season.

Berets require special care

New leather ankle boots must be immediately impregnated with cream or wax, preferably in two layers. Apply the first layer of cream, let it soak in for 7-10 minutes, polish, then apply the second layer and polish again with a napkin. If the operation is planned in conditions of high humidity, it is necessary to treat the shoes with a water-repellent agent. If shoes are made of textiles, choose products for processing textile shoes.

Berets must be properly dried: you can simply leave them in a dry and warm room, after placing special shape holders or crumpled newspapers inside - they will retain their shape stability, and the newspapers will absorb moisture. You can also use special ultraviolet dryers. What you can’t do is to put shoes in close proximity to heating devices, and even more so on them, since the sole can peel off and the leather warps.

Bertsy and tactical boots are becoming more and more relevant footwear, and not only because of the start of the hunting season. In Russia, there are several dozen enterprises of manufacturers of this type ...
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