Everything you wanted to know about wholesale sales: wholesale sales technologies, methods of stimulating them, commodity and credit policy, motivation of wholesale managers, analytics, etc. You can also purchase blitz consulting - paid expert consultation of intensive participants on issues covered during the intensive (the number of places is limited).
You will become familiar with the rules and logic of forming a product classifier for both offline and online sales, the technology of combining the tasks of various departments, the rules for the correct formation of a hierarchy of names, properties and attributes, and the assignment of statuses for a product directory.
The second part of the intensive course is devoted to promotion, advertising, sales funnel, working with a loyalty program and community management.
The first part of the intensive course is devoted to trends, positioning and content.
Everything you need to know about retail sales: retail store economics, cost efficiency, working with inventory, loyalty programs, personnel management.
You will learn current techniques and rules of visual merchandising in the situation of "pulling" the buyer from the Internet space. New design features, trends in zoning the sales area, control points in working with equipment and lighting, we will discuss successful showcases 2024, POS materials and mannequins. Our practical day will take place inside the store.
During the intensive course, you will learn about the similarities and differences in the main functional areas of business processes: the specifics of customer demand, planning, pricing, sales technologies, product range, and employee functionality for various distribution channels.
We will talk about how to make a service selling. How to succeed on the "last mile" in direct communication with the buyer. One incompetent sales consultant can ruin the efforts of all the other people. Personal contact with the buyer is the most delicate area of the entire business chain. Additional service: customized blitz consulting after training on the topic of the intensive (the number of consulting slots is limited).
The intensive course is dedicated to the commercial rules of online visual merchandising. During the course, we will discuss the difference between offline and online visual merchandising, talk in more detail about the components of online visual merchandising: photo content, product cards, fonts, graphics, color, shop windows, and also discuss the target audience.
Do you get the feeling that your staff has learned the rules of visual merchandising, the standards are set, and the store is not selling as well as you would like?