Personal development

How to increase sales of shoes and accessories?

Working life hacks in the new book of business coach and organizational consultant Evgeny Danchev. In the fall of 2019, the book “A Practical Guide to Increasing Sales of Shoes and Accessories” appeared on sale, its author is a permanent expert of the magazine ...
14.10.2019 17591

Work with generations. Building an adaptation system for Y and Z

They all know more or less that adults and children learn material and learn differently. In children and adolescents, the learning speed is fantastic, after 30 years, this indicator decreases in most people, which is why first-year students are parents ...
07.09.2018 13514

R. Fisher, D. Shapiro. "Emotional intelligence in the negotiations." - M .: "Mann, Ivanov and Ferber", 2015

At meetings with partners, colleagues, subordinates, you always experience emotions - positive (joy, satisfaction) or negative (anger, frustration, guilt). How to cope during negotiations with friends and foes ...
19.05.2015 14264

S. Gayce. "MINI Habits - MAXI Results." - M .: Alpina Publisher, 2015

“When planning to change your life for the better, do not try to grasp the immensity,” the author calls. Do not set yourself global goals - you will create an extra reason for stress and, most likely, fail. And all because our brain is programmed to ...
18.05.2015 13773

K. Baksht. “Building a sales department. Ultimate Edition »

How to attract customers without advertising, why sales are not growing, what mistakes you make when recruiting employees - the author tried to consider all possible "pitfalls" of the business and tell in detail how to avoid painful "collisions" in ...
18.05.2015 14020

“Hacking Marketing: The Science of Why We Buy”

The book transcends marketing boundaries and builds on the findings of research in neuroscience, behavioral economics, cognitive and social psychology. And all of them are being translated into practical marketing ...
07.04.2015 11080

“From zero to one. How to create a startup that will change the future "

The author analyzes the high-profile failures of previously popular startups and explains with specific examples why it is monopoly, and not free competition, that is key ...
07.04.2015 11057

“Tough brand building: squeeze extra margin out of a client”

His approach: “Sell to build a brand, not build a brand to sell,” immediately puts everything in its place. A brand does not exist without consumers, in connection with which, first of all, you need to focus on the target audience, but ...
07.04.2015 11693

It will not be easy. How to build a business when there are more questions than answers.

The book, first of all, is addressed to the heads of companies, but it is recommended for reading to everyone, without exception, who needs a "motivational kick" to improve ...
07.04.2015 10686

The battle for the VKontakte subscriber. SMM manual

The book clearly and clearly explains all the basics of organizing the presence of a brand in the network, reveals the specifics of selling and buying advertising in popular communities. Everything is laid out on the shelves, your task is to apply the knowledge gained to ...
07.04.2015 10481

Management Formula. A practical guide for a novice leader.

The book is a collection of reflections and conclusions based on his own long-term experience of one of the best managers, executive director of the company “What to do ...
07.04.2015 10894

100 business technology. How to take a company to a new level

The book discusses the fundamental principles of building a business, which are important to choose at the beginning of the path and follow them. But the most important thing is that the author considers the main management errors, as well as misses in the creation of the company and suggests ...
07.04.2015 11288

The maximum concentration. How to maintain efficiency in the era of clip thinking

Thanks to 35-year-old practice, the author of the book was able to develop a set of effective methods to focus on tasks. The book will teach you to understand the difference between avoidance and respite and control your feelings and ...
07.04.2015 11631

Sales detonator. How to achieve explosive sales growth

The book contains exercises for the practice of sales, which will allow you to work out and consolidate the theoretical material. Special fields for notes will allow you to isolate important points from the content and mark the most interesting ones ...
07.04.2015 11844

What will help you raise your business to new heights

Blake Maikoski created his shoe company TOMS virtually from scratch. The company is famous not only for its shoes, but also for the fact that for every couple sold it gives a couple to children for free. At the same time, TOMS is a profitable company. In his book, Blake ...
18.03.2015 14664

Tutorial on accounting and tax accounting and reporting

No unnecessary information - only numbers, diagrams, calculations and calculations. The book allows you to independently study the issues of accounting and reporting, learn how to choose the most economical tax regime for each enterprise, as well as prepare documents for ...
19.12.2014 9821

To be a business leader

18.12.2014 10148

Kolotilov E. Do not give discounts! Modern sales techniques.

If you want your sales managers to work not just as answering machines, but to professionally advise customers, so that customers choose your company and buy at the price you need, then you should read this ...
27.03.2014 11517
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