Expert opinion

How to Choose Winter Shoes: Expert Advice

With the arrival of cold weather, the issue of choosing good winter footwear becomes extremely relevant. Comfort, warmth and protection from moisture are the main requirements for footwear in the cold season. An expert of the German brand of footwear and accessories…
17.12.2024 2463

Lessons and Conclusions from Moscow Fashion Week and BRICS+ Fashion Summit

The third Moscow Fashion Week and BRICS+ Fashion Summit highlighted the problem of the almost complete absence of shoe brands at the Week events. Is there a chance for our shoe industry to grow to the level of fashion, and for Fashion Week in…
01.11.2024 1921

What is the mistake of suppliers of children's shoes in working with wholesale companies

The topic of the work of suppliers and wholesalers has been repeatedly raised on the pages of our magazine by Alexander Borodin, an expert in the sale of children's shoes, the manager of the Mila company. In an interview with SR, Alexander told why difficulties arise, what are the mistakes ...
18.07.2022 7400

How to work with marketplaces to avoid competition between the online assortment and the offline store

Many shoe retailers and manufacturers work with marketplaces today. However, this cooperation has both its pluses and minuses. One of them is the competition of the assortment online and offline, the outflow of real buyers to marketplaces,…
01.02.2022 9389

Brazilian shoe manufacturers invite buyers from Russia and CIS countries to business meetings in online format

From June 21 to July 2 in Russia and neighboring countries, online b2b meetings of the largest Brazilian manufacturers and Russian buyers will be held. The events are sponsored by Brazilian Footwear, a government program that ...
07.06.2021 10401

Lillian Roor, ARA Sales Director in Russia: “ARA Shoes strives to be the most high-tech manufacturer of fashionable footwear.

The German shoe brand ARA has been known and loved in Russia for a long time, since Soviet times. This year the brand will be 72 years old. The company has overcome the difficulties and challenges caused by the current coronavirus pandemic and continues to implement its plans. On the…
17.05.2021 16404

Exclusive: Interview of the CEO of ECCO Russia Denis Tomashevsky to the chief editor of Shoes Report Natalia Timasheva

A year ago, the Danish company ECCO acquired the entire retail business of its Russian distributor, thus announcing the seriousness of its intentions and long-term plans for the Russian market. The shoes of the Danish brand have long been known and loved in Russia. ...
06.04.2021 19940

The Nordman factory develops online sales channels and relies on import substitution

Alexey Sorokin, marketing director of the Nordman factory, answers SR's questions. For 24 years of work, the team of a small industrial enterprise from Pskov has transformed into a large Russian enterprise and a team of specialists that works ...
02.02.2021 9731

DEOX strengthens its market position

SR decided to find out what problems Russian shoemakers had to live and work with, and to ask manufacturers about their work in today's realities. This collection of materials will focus on the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the domestic shoe business, ...
02.02.2021 10844

Is it necessary to reduce shoe purchases for the fall-winter 2020/21 season

The recession of the Russian economy in 2020 and, as a result, the reduction in shoe consumption per capita, unfortunately, is the inevitability we will have to face. In April, a regular author and expert of Shoes Report magazine, ...
06.05.2020 15966

Romer: "Who does not keep up with the times - may close in 2020"

Dmitry Gaidarovich, Deputy General Director for Sales, with the company for 4 years. About business, market changes, sales secrets and good ...
11.02.2020 14172

GEOX: “Today’s fashion retail, like air, needs business diversification and new technologies”

The Italian shoe brand Geox has been known in the Russian market for a long time, more than 20 years. The company produces men's, women's and children's shoes, as well as a line of clothing and accessories. All lines are presented in Russia, moreover: the Russian market is part of ...
28.01.2020 14509

Market expert's view on attempts by manufacturers of children's shoes to monopolize the market

Manufacturers of children's shoes in Russia often consciously refuse to choose their target audience and, trying to win over as much market share as possible, strive to work with all parts of the distribution chain. What could such a policy lead to ...
10.12.2019 8414

Children's shoes and labeling. New rules of work will not help bring the children's segment out of the shadows

Five months later, from July 1 to 2019, labeling of shoes will become mandatory for all companies operating in the Russian market. This event is inevitably approaching, but questions to the developers of the new system from manufacturers, wholesalers, ...
11.02.2019 13803

Partners Caprice - on cooperation with the company, brand and its shoes

“Our company has been cooperating with the Moscow representative office of Сarice 7 for years. 5 Caprice stores are currently operating in Moscow. Thanks to our collaboration, Caprice has become a national, beloved and recognizable brand. The main part of the collection is ...
26.12.2018 11347

What should we clearly understand about shoe marking?

We asked about this a member of the working group on labeling under the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, General Director of SmartLines, Maxim ...
25.12.2018 20642

Marking with the eyes of a wholesaler. AXA executives talk about the first results of the new system

In accordance with the decision of the Government of the Russian Federation, mandatory marking of shoes will begin on July 1, 2019 of the year, before that a little more than six months remain. SR asked how the pilot labeling project was going on, what difficulties its first faced ...
21.12.2018 19577

Shoe marking is a challenge for IT

Alexey Chernyshev, Akfa: “A company that does not have competent IT specialists in its staff cannot solve the problem with marking.”
31.10.2018 27197

Customs dictates new rules

Member of the working group on the "Marking" project in the National Shoe Union of Russia and the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, CEO of Smartlines Maxim Lebedev - about the new customs ...
14.08.2018 10370

Soho Fashion expands portfolio of children's brands

Jacob Treskov, the founder and head of the largest Russian ... spoke about the state of the Russian market of children's shoes, about how it will be in the short term, about the change in parents’s approach to buying children's shoes today in an interview with SR
26.03.2018 10838
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