Happy, or Features of pre-holiday sales. How to remove all the cream of the season says permanent expert SR Maria Gerasimenko.
Artificial Intelligence Into Fashion
Online fitting rooms and 3D avatars have already become a reality. What's next?
Current winter models-2019 / 20
Animalism is still in fashion: a leopard in the snow.
Walking boots
Feathers, rhinestones, satin and jacquard
Fashionable themes and key models of collections of women's shoes for the fall-winter season 2020 / 21.
To amaze, impress, engage
During a crisis and low sales, VMs should be built on emotions, a personalized approach and brand uniqueness. Recommendations from SR expert Anna Balandina.
Cashback Bonuses
How can you stimulate sales of shoes and accessories at the beginning of the winter period without getting carried away with discounts? The expert SR Evgeny Danchev answers the question.
Mal da deleted
The accompanying assortment can bring a shoe store up to 10-30% of revenue in the autumn-winter period. Advice from SR expert Julia Belkina.
Italian Shoemakers Association Announces First 2019 Results
From January to July, the export volume of Italian footwear increased by 7,1%.
“Fashion retail today, like air, needs business diversification and new technologies”
This opinion was expressed in an interview with SR Pavel Savin, GEOX Sales Manager in Russia.
Silent revolution in the shoe market
In the time remaining before the introduction of mandatory labeling, shoe retailers and manufacturers still have time to do a lot to prevent collapse, says Alexey Chernyshev, Commercial Director of AKFA Logistics Company.
Global shoe market: 2018 results of the year
According to data released by World Footwear, the world leader in the production, consumption and export of shoes is China, and the largest importer of shoes is the United States.
The 60-th international exhibition of shoe fashion was held this fall on the banks of the Bosphorus.
"Footwear. World of leather-2019. Autumn"
In October, an exhibition was held in Moscow, where Italians traditionally dominate.