Permanent experts in visual merchandising, marketing and human resources give recommendations on how to conduct an effective winter sale.
Smart clothes and shoes
Manufacturers are looking for new ways to attract customers by inventing “eternal” sneakers, clothes with nanocapsules that prevent leather diseases, and much more.
Current models of shoes for winter and all-weather women's shoes
Army fashion
Red passion
Black classic
Boots and all-terrain boots
Five key models of men's shoes for the fall-winter season 2018 / 19
Trainings and seminars
SMM strategy in photos
If your company has an Instagram account, you probably thought about promotion in this social network, or are already developing this direction. In our article, we will talk about one of the options for such a promotion - interaction with bloggers.
Human factor
It is difficult to overestimate the influence of personality on business development. Of particular importance is this aspect for franchise networks, where the ability to find the right partner has a decisive influence on the success of the entire enterprise model.
Emotional burnout, or the syndrome of "forever tired"
There is such a thing as "professional emotional burnout." It appeared relatively recently. We tell you how to motivate employees so that they do not lose interest in the job.
American and Russian sales: comparing sales in New York and Moscow
Are there so many different things in organizing sales in Russia and in America? What is the difference between sale periods in Russia and the USA? Expert SR, business trainer Kristina Wojciechowska shares her experience and observations.
Zero Grau Exhibition
Exclusive report from the largest Brazilian exhibition of shoes and accessories, held at the end of November 2017 in Gramado (southern Brazil).
Kabo Footwear Fair
In February, the Czech Republic will host an exhibition of shoes and leather accessories, one of the largest in Eastern Europe
Retail property in Moscow and St. Petersburg
Market experts summarize the 2017 year and make forecasts for the 2018-2019 years.