They tried in vain ...
27.10.2011 14740

They tried in vain ...

You certainly remember the funny sneakers with built-in lights that went on and off when you walked. Fifteen years ago, this Chinese consumer goods were extremely popular among teenagers, as was the associated joke "Turn on the turn signals." All sorts of high-tech artists implant conductors, fiber optics and electronics in shoes, but most of these experiences remain as experiments.

As you know, there is no truth in the legs. But the designers are not looking for her there. At the feet, especially in the elegant female legs, many of them find their inspiration, which then translates into the most unexpected fashion projects of the most incredible shoes. Natalie Kirpa reviewed smart shoes for SR.

Sports brands are trying very, very hard, trying to outdo each other in innovation. In 2010, Adidas introduced the Originals AR Game Pack, a collection of sneakers that fall into the webcam’s lens and turn into a virtual world navigator Adidas Neighborhood as well as a game controller. In 2010, in the same year, Nike launched Rambler sneakers with a built-in sensor that allows you to send a message to the social network whenever a pedestrian’s foot touches the ground, a little earlier appeared sneakers similar to those shown in the movie "Back to the Future - 2", and before that there was Nike + iPod Sport Kit with iPod nano, headphones, Bluetooth adapter, transceiver with built-in acceleration sensor and RFID bug. The latter is installed in sneakers and transmits to the player information about the athlete’s health status while running.

And not so long ago, manufacturers amazed the shoe world with a mix of skateboard and Webble office accessory, the world's first hybrid of tights and socks - butytes, anti-gravity boots ...

Not all ideas are intended for everyday use. Obviously, the conservatives will not change themselves and will not shock others by flaunting their socks in the bubble shoes of Slovenian designer Alyosha Shenk, but the Chilean designer Camila Labr’s Dacca shoes from recycled plastic bags would be very appropriate during the autumn slush.

Does smart shoes find demand? Where and how is it sold?

A functional thing like Dram Reef Flask Sandals sandals with flasks in the soles, Stash slippers with a sliding compartment in which you can store money and credit cards, with a traditional design and at an affordable price from 40 to 44. e., can be found at

USB Heating Shoes keeps your feet warm, and thanks to separate switches you can heat only one, more frozen, foot, and the gadget is sold in the Brando store for just 29. e. The sale of Camileon shoes with transformer heels, which seemed to be a real pleasure for modern women, were found only on the Ukrainian blog.

Anti-gravity shoes that help strengthen leg muscles, improve coordination and lose unwanted kilograms are found on sites of funny gadgets, devices and other designer stuff, for example, and But not in shoe stores.

In 2006, in Europe, about 300 people already wore ERGOSHOE - shoes made exactly on the foot using the laser scanning system of the foot. And although it is suitable both for creating shoes for diabetics and for developing shoes for the mass consumer and special work shoes, we still only read about it in the market news.

Students of Berlin University also tried in vain, creating hiking boots equipped with a navigation system and able to tell the traveler who is carrying them the shortest route, drawing attention to nearby attractions and performing a host of other useful functions. Of course, you can do without such shoes: put on regular sneakers, grab a player, a compass, a map, hire a guide ... (and then get tormented and don't go anywhere). Yes, and about the environment, it turns out, especially no one thinks. Although there are suggestions. ABOUTbouvie with lawn grass insoles for people working in hot rooms, Chilean designer Camila Labra’s Dacca shoes made from recycled plastic bags, Japanese-made Nippon Telegraph and Telephone shoes, felted shoes from the Russian Metelitsa factory, created using innovative technology that eliminates labor costs they are saved due to the use of the needle-punched method, which is also not found in hypermarkets, boutiques, or online sales.

The awareness of sellers and consumers is extremely low. The managers and sellers of stores from the age of 20 to 55 years, to whom we asked a question about smart shoes, in 95% of cases have not heard of anything like this. Of these, 5% said: “Cool! But not our profile, search the Internet. ” About 30% shook their heads with a perplexed question: “Why do you need it?” A customer survey also did not bring comforting results. Most do not know and are not interested in such purchases. Less than 10% would decide to buy something similar - but only as a fun presentation. And that is not a fact. So we have to agree with the marketing policy of the stores: no demand, no supply. And the demand for innovation must be brought up, which is long and unprofitable.

So, the technically not very literate beautiful half will continue to hunt for Jimmy Chu and Manolo Blahnik, men to flaunt in unpretentious classics, and restless inventors to design original, functional, ecological, but ... not needed for mass production shoes.

The most unexpected fashion projects of the most incredible shoes.
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