Making the right diagnosis. 10 ways to quickly identify your customers' "pains"
24.09.2024 4227

Making the right diagnosis. 10 ways to quickly identify your customers' "pains"

Have you ever thought about how your offer on the website of an online store, on marketplaces is perceived by the buyer? How deeply and well do you know the needs of your target audience and the fears of your customers? SR expert in digital marketing and creating a unique brand selling proposition Tatyana Vasilyeva answers these questions and also gives recommendations on how to avoid typical mistakes in the product card, how not to make a description, photos and videos, and how to avoid unnecessary expenses in the design of your product.

Tatiana Vasilyeva Tatiana Vasilyeva -

more than 10 years in the fashion industry. founder of the agency for the promotion and development of clothing brands E-2, founder of the Tri Maruski brand, strategic ex-fashion producer on the ShopAndShow TV channel, author of the course “Creating a selling USP; Identification of the target audience of your brand.

Telegram - @E2fashion

The target audience (TA) is the group of people you want to attract to your product or service. To successfully sell your product or service, you need to understand the “pains,” needs, and fears of your TA.

In marketing, pain points have three components:

  • human needs;
  • urgency of problem resolution;
  • the presence of doubts in the buyer - for example, fear of being deceived when making a transaction in an online store.

How to identify the needs and “pains” of your target audience?

The needs of the target audience may be different, but they are usually related to what a person wants to get from a product or service. For example, if you sell sports shoes, then the needs of your target audience may naturally be related to the desire to play sports, be healthy, and stay in good shape. If you sell high-heeled shoes, then the needs of your target audience may be related to the desire to look beautiful and feminine, which is also logical.

The audience experiences “pain” associated with the absence of:

1) cash,

2) information about the product and its benefits;

3) desired results from using the product;

4) brand support.

To overcome these pains, the brand must offer easy-to-use solutions, provide fast support and communication with customers, and convincingly argue the benefits of its products. Customer pains can be classified into basic, financial, and technical, and each level requires its own sales approach. For example, at the first and second levels, it is necessary to remove the audience's objections by competently demonstrating the capabilities of the product or service. When moving to the technical level, the speed of the brand's response plays a major role.

To find out the needs of your target audience, you need to conduct market research and make a detailed analysis. Study your competitors, conduct surveys, study forums and social networks to understand what is important to your target audience and learn their fears.

Fears of the target audience

Fears of the target audience may hinder sales of your product. To understand the fears of your target audience, study customer reviews on the site, pay attention to comments on social networks. If you have the opportunity, conduct interviews with representatives of your target audience.

How to use the needs and fears of the target audience

When you understand the needs and fears of your target audience, you can use this information to improve your product or service and sell more effectively.

For example, if you know that your target audience wants to stay fit and healthy, you can add bonuses to your product or service that will help them achieve their goals.

Understanding the needs and fears of your target audience is key to successfully selling a product or service. Use this information to improve your product or service, offer bonuses, and help alleviate your target audience’s fears. Ultimately, this will help you attract more customers and increase your profits.
Today, most companies sell their products and services online. However, not all stores and marketplaces present their offers on the website in the best light. To attract more customers and increase sales, it is necessary to create an attractive and user-friendly offer on the website that will reflect the needs of the buyer and help overcome his fear.

1. Photo

The first thing a buyer pays attention to is the product photos. Good photos should be clear, bright and show the product from all sides. It is important to use high-quality photos so that the buyer can see all the details of the product.

2. Video

Such formats as video presentation, product review, unpacking, backstage from filming increase the buyer's interest in the product and make it more understandable, and the purchase - safe. A high-quality video reduces the number of returns in online purchases and increases the buyer's trust in the product.

3. Detailed description

A detailed description of the product should contain all the necessary characteristics so that the buyer can make an informed choice. The description should be clear and easy to read, and also contain information on how to use the product. Avoid long complex sentences and "water", the description should be as realistic as possible, reflect a true picture and concern only a specific product.

4. Customer reviews

Customer reviews are an important factor when choosing a product. Having positive reviews can convince a buyer to make a purchase. It is also important to respond to reviews to show that you care about your customers. I wrote in detail about the influence of reviews and how to work with them in my articles for SR in 2022-2023.

Card Product

A product card is an important part of an online store that can influence a customer's decision to purchase a product. Let's look at what mistakes can be made when creating a product card and how to avoid them.

1. Distorted information in the product description

The product card must indicate all the characteristics of the product, its features and advantages. Often, when describing a product, the seller tries to include as many keywords as possible and, thus, either overloads the description, or the resulting description does not always correspond to reality. A large number of returns and non-redemption of goods occurs precisely when the buyer expected one thing, but received something completely different, since he imagined the product, based on the description in the card, differently. Therefore, in the description, you need to stick to the golden mean and use keywords related specifically to the product, to its real characteristics. If you sell white open-toe shoes, you do not need to include all the high-heeled shoes in the description.

2. Unclear, blurry photographs 

Often, a fashionable shot, non-standard poses and unusual angles are chosen for the main photo, trying to stand out from the competition, but with this approach, the seller often loses the client. As a rule, a buyer who is looking for something specific, for example, black high leather boots, wants to understand and find among a large number of offers which model suits his request, without opening each card. Therefore, it makes sense to pay special attention to the main photo. Product photos should be clear and show the product in such a way that it meets the specific requirements and requests of the buyer. It is necessary to avoid using photos that do not reflect the actual appearance of the product.

3. No video

 Video is a great way to demonstrate a product and its functionality. Don't limit yourself to just photos if you can create selling video content. Video will help the buyer better understand how to use the product and how it works.

4. Inappropriate or incorrect tags 

Tags help the buyer find the desired product in the search results. But if the tags do not match the product, or inappropriate tags are used, this may lead to the buyer not finding the desired product.

5. Grammar errors

 Errors in the product description can cause mistrust in the buyer and scare him away from buying. It is necessary to carefully check the description for spelling and punctuation errors so that the text looks clean and professional.

When you are working on creating a product card or an offer for customers, it is important to understand what pain points your target audience is experiencing. This will help you create a product or service that will solve your customers’ problems and satisfy their needs.

Let's look at 10 ways to quickly find the "pains" of the target audience and reflect them in your offer to clients. If your brand still does not have a table describing the target audience, it's time to start one. This is the document you will refer to often during your work.

1. Explore forums and social networks.

Forums and social networks are a great source of information about what worries your target audience. Study discussions on topics related to your niche and pay attention to what problems are often discussed. Write down all the problems that worry your potential buyers.

2. Conduct a survey.

Surveys are another way to learn about the "diseases" of your target audience. Create a questionnaire with questions about what your customers would like to improve in their lives, what problems they experience in choosing shoes, etc. The best way to conduct a survey is to upload it to a Telegram channel, social networks, or send it out using a bot.

3. Study your competitors.

Study your competitors' websites and all platforms and pay attention to what problems they solve. This will help you understand what "pains" may be common for their and your target audiences.

4. Conduct an interview.

Conduct interviews with your target audience to learn about their needs and problems. This will help you better understand the point of view of the people who buy from you and create a product or service that will best meet their expectations.

5. Study customer reviews.

Look at customer reviews on your competitors' websites or on your own website. They can give you a good idea of ​​what problems your customers are experiencing and what they don't like about the products or services they use.

6. Analyze search queries.

Study the search queries that your target audience uses. This will help you understand what problems and needs customers have. You can do a deep analysis of queries in the search engines Yandex, Google, in the search bar of the marketplace itself, or by tags in social networks.

7. Review analytics reports.

Carefully read your site's analytics reports. This will help you understand which pages are the most popular and what problems your customers often encounter.

8. Review sales reports.

Study sales reports to understand which products or services are most popular with your target audience. This will help you create a more effective offer for customers.

9. Review return reports.

Study return reports to understand why your customers return products or services. This will help you improve your product or service and meet the needs of your target audience.

10. Use analytics tools.

Use analytics tools such as Google Analytics to study user behavior on your site. This will help you understand which pages are most popular and what problems your customers are having.

Summarizing everything said in the article, I want to repeat once again: in order to create an effective offer for clients, it is necessary to know and understand their needs and problems very well. Use any of the above methods (possibly in combination) to quickly collect the "pains" of your target audience and reflect them in your offer for clients. This will help you create a product or service that will solve their problems and satisfy their needs as much as possible.

Have you ever thought about how your offer on an online store website, on marketplaces is perceived through the eyes of the buyer? How deeply and well do you know the needs of your target audience…
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